Giving dolls a second life. Rescuing dolls from thrift stores, flea markets,and estate sales.
Meeting New Friends
Jaxson, Cloe, and Sophina
Friday, April 30, 2010
More Yummi Land Dolls
These little darlings are Soda Pop Girls from the Yummi Land Series of Dolls made in 2006 by MGA Entertainment. They are 5 1/2 inches tall, are scented and came in a soda pop bottle. In another bottle in the soda pop carrier each doll had a pet. In the picture we have Gaby Grapelina, with Mini Mango Calico. Next is Belinda Banana Ana with Kimi Kiwi Calico and last Amanda Appletina with Paris Peaches Pug. These were a rare find at the Thrift Store since they each had their own bottles and came with all their accessories. These dolls would be great for the doll collector who has a limited amount of space for their collection.
Cheetah Girls - Aqua
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Holiday Bratz
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
IKEA Furniture Sample
After I picked this up at the Thrift Store, I couldn't locate any manufacturer until I opened one of the doors.
It said IKEA, so I am assuming it is a sample of one of their products. Thought this could be used in a doll display. It is 6 inches tall by 5 inches in length. 1 1/2 inches wide. Both doors open. Items on the shelves are things I have accumulated through the years.
It said IKEA, so I am assuming it is a sample of one of their products. Thought this could be used in a doll display. It is 6 inches tall by 5 inches in length. 1 1/2 inches wide. Both doors open. Items on the shelves are things I have accumulated through the years.
Polynesian Barbie
Polynesian Barbie from Dolls of the World Series. Made by Mattel in 1994. She is barefoot. Not sure if she had shoes or not.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Green Tree Dolls
These are 2 Green Tree Musical Dolls which I found at the Thrift Store a few weeks ago. The doll with the orange plays the song "Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat". The doll with the dog is called "Best Friends Forever" and plays "How Much Is That Doggie In The Window". These dolls are still available at online doll shops.
Monday, April 26, 2010
American Girl Cecile -Girls of Many Lands
My co-worker surprised me this morning with this doll. She had picked it up at a garage sale this weekend. Have never seen a doll like this before. Looked for a mark on the doll and found nothing. Then I happened to come across a label on the inside of her skirt. It said "Made in China for American Girl 147438". Seached American Girl websites to see if I could find out who she is. No luck. She is 8 1/2 inches tall. Hard plastic. She possibly represents a girl from Colonial Times going to some type of fancy ball. She is missing her shoes. Any ideas on her identity?
UPDATE: Thanks to Suzy at SuzyB-Creations for the information on this doll. She is from the American Girl Series Girls of Many Lands - Cecile -France . Also found out that her shoes were a needlepoint slip-on type of shoe. Cecile is also missing her pearl necklace, two cameo/pearl bracelets and her book.
UPDATE: Thanks to Suzy at SuzyB-Creations for the information on this doll. She is from the American Girl Series Girls of Many Lands - Cecile -France . Also found out that her shoes were a needlepoint slip-on type of shoe. Cecile is also missing her pearl necklace, two cameo/pearl bracelets and her book.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Saturday's Doll Treasures
Had a beautiful day for my treasure hunting expedition. Got a late start. So I thought maybe I should skip going to the Flea Market today, but I went anyway. Passed up a boxed Barbie Winter Renaissance from 1996 because the price was too high. My favorite vendor had nothing for me. The only doll I came away with was Kira, made in Indonesia. She was in mismatched clothes, but in good condition and the price was right. Today, I redressed Kira in a red satin dress to match her lipstick. Added white heels and a white scarf around her ponytail.
Next stop, the Thrift Store. I had to pass a few garage sales on my way, so I stopped, but there were no dolls. I always head for the doll section first whenever I go to the Thrift Store. To my surprise, there hanging up was Katie from the LIV doll series (2009) She was still in the plastic backing from her box. The only thing missing was the extra wig and wig stand. Even though I had a boxed Katie, here was one I could change her clothes and her wig if I wanted. I quickly put her in my shopping cart. After I finished looking there were a couple of other dolls in my cart, but not as wonderful as Katie.
Time to go home, so I thought. I stopped at the Deli to pick up a sandwich for my lunch. On the way home, I had to go back through the section of the township where they were having garage sales. I promised myself I would only stop if I saw a sign. Up ahead there was a sign, so I turned left and followed the signs posted. Was going to just quickly pass by, but a few small plastic bodies laying on the lawn caught my eye and I pulled over. In a plastic bag marked $5.00 was a small purple witch in her original outfit. I knew right away she was Emerald the Witch made in 1972 by Girl's World. It's 1:30 in the afternoon I was surprised this doll wasn't snatched up earlier in the day since she is a rare find. Taking Emerald I went up to pay for the item and the man said any doll on the lawn is now a $1.00. Paid my dollar and I left. Emerald was going home to be with the other Emerald I had which is in fair condition and was found over 25 years ago. As you can tell in the picture my other Emerald is faded and missing her hat.
Saw a few other sales and they had nothing. Was now going up and down the streets looking for more sales that seemed to have toys. The next sale I stopped at had Barbies, the woman was asking too much for the boxed dolls, but found the next two Barbies. First, Barbie from the Singing Sisters Holiday 2000. Had her original outfit and her shoes! Didn't realize her hair on top was cut since I was dazzled by the outfit. Could always put the outfit on another doll. The second doll was Holiday Barbie from 2004. Missing her shoes, but we could always find something for her feet.
Stopped at a few more sales. I picked up a Princess of Cambodia Dolls of the World Series from 2004. Missing her shoes and crown.
I thought I better start heading for home since with the new medicine I am on, I am not supposed to be out in the sun for a long time. Well, maybe just one more. Found Kayla at the next sale, dressed in mismatched clothing. When she got home, I dressed her in a white wedding gown for her picture.
Finally got home to eat lunch and go over my finds for the day. This was probably the best day I have ever had in finding my doll Treasures. Hope there are many more to come!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Tori - Generation Girl
Before going out to do some treasure hunting today, I thought I would post another find. Tori, from the Mattel Generation Girl Series (Dance Party) came out in 2000. She is wearing an original outfit and has her jewelry. On her left thumb, she sports a molded silver ring. Tori also wears black nail polish, nothing on her toes. She was missing her shoes, so I gave her some white sling back flats to wear. Also missing is her snowboard (?), yellow helmet, blue boots, goggles and a loving cup.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Grandma The Heart Family
Grandma from the Heart Family. Produced by Mattel in 1987. First senior citizen in the Barbie Series. She has on her original dress. Added the dark purple shoes. She has a Superstar ring on her right hand. On her left she has a painted gold band.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Teacher Barbie
Teacher Barbie originally came with a blackboard with Barbie's voice saying "Great Job!" or "Try It Again". Also came with two students and desk.
Teacher Barbie came in an African American version and also one who was a brunette. Teacher Barbie came out in 1995 but not without controversy. It seems Barbie was lacking panties. They were recalled and later versions had some type of panty, (Most likely the white flowered panty molded on Barbie's body). The Barbie I found had none.
Teacher Barbie came in an African American version and also one who was a brunette. Teacher Barbie came out in 1995 but not without controversy. It seems Barbie was lacking panties. They were recalled and later versions had some type of panty, (Most likely the white flowered panty molded on Barbie's body). The Barbie I found had none.
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch was produced by Kenner in 1997. She is in her original outfit. I also found her cat Salem during another trip to the Thrift Store. She is missing her other magic accessories.
Both dolls are Disney Cinderella Dolls made by Mattel. Doll in light blue gown is marked Disney on the neck, 1999 Mattel Indonesia on her back. No indication what year she came out. She was shoeless when found. Doll with dark blue top is marked Disney 2005 on her neck and 1999 Mattel Indonesia on her back. She came with one clear white glitter shoe. The doll in the light blue gown looks similar to Barbie than the other.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Shakira was produced by Mattel in 2002. Wearing her original outfit. I added some black velvet type boots I had since she was shoeless when found. Missing her bracelets.. Hair could use some TLC in the back.
Bratz Yasmin Forever Diamondz
Yasmin, in her Forever Diamondz outfit. Yasmin (from the Bratz Series) was produced by MGA Entertainment in 2006. Hair is still in original style. From what I can tell she is missing her fur and her silver purse.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Super Hair Barbie
1987 Super Hair Barbie. She had an attached styling barrette through the top of her head. Found naked, but still had her Super Star Ring. Her hair is going to need some TLC, otherwise she is in good condition.
Spring Tea Party Barbie
Spring Tea Party Barbie was put out by Avon in 1997. She was third in the series. Spring Tea Party Barbie also came in an African American version and a brunette hair version. If I remember correctly I added a pair of light celery green heels to complete her outfit. She was in very good condition when found. No TLC needed.
Amber from the TV Series "Clueless" Was made by Mattel in 1996. In her original outfit. Missing sunglasses, some type of yellow animal purse and her black cellphone. Need to start putting down the date I find certain dolls.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Another of my Saturday finds. Teresa came dressed in the outfit she is wearing and her earrings. Missing her shoes. Gave her black sneakers. Fixed her hair. The student desk was also one of the goodies I found.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Valentine Barbie?
This is another Barbie I found today at the Thrift Store. She is in very good condition also. Was probably never played with. Not sure if this is a Valentine Barbie or not. Doll is marked Malaysia, so I know that she was sold sometime after 1986. She has a twist waist with bendable legs. There is a heart on her dress. Looked for a Barbie label on the dress but there wasn't one. Also she had no shoes so I found her a pair of white heels. Does anyone recognize her?
UPDATE: Barbie which was found in a Grocery Store in 1993. Called "Red Romance".
Mermaid Barbie
Found Mermaid Barbie today at the Thrift Store along with a lot of other goodies. She was the first Barbie Doll sold as a Mermaid. First appeared in 1992. Icy water makes rainbow colors in her hair, but I didn't try to see if it worked. I just happened to lift her ponytail and underneath is a braid which you can see the red and blue streaks coming through. She also has strands of that translucent type tinsel hair. When I took her out of the plastic bag they had her in, I was surprised to see the fantastic condition she was in. Looks like she was never played with. Missing her shoes, so I found a pair of white shoes for her. The only flaw I found was a piece of tape stuck to her back, when I took it off it left some glue residue. Also I have to remember to change the rubber band in her braid which is brittle.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Yummi Land Dolls
Mandy Mint and Renee Rainbow Ripple are part of the Yummi Land Doll Series. They were made in 2006 by MGA Entertainment, maker of the Bratz and Moxie Girlz Dolls. Mandy and Renee are 12 inch dolls. which were packaged in soda bottles which could be used as banks. They also came with a pet, hairbrush and head piece. Mandy is missing her shoes, her pet dog, Sadie Smore and her head piece. Renee is missing her headpiece and her pet Penguin, Paulina Pralines Penguin. Don't you just love their big round eyes and long brushable hair. By the way, the girls are scented.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Fashion Photo Kayla
Kayla is getting ready for her next photo shoot. Fashion Photo Kayla came out in 2002. When I found Kayla she was missing the bottom part of her pants, shoes, sunglasses and purse. Kayla also came with a camera that when you turned the lens Kayla would strike different poses on her stand. Wish I had found the camera and stand to go along with her.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Wedding Dress Shopping
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Great Barbie Reference Book
Just arrived in the mail yesterday. This is one of the best Barbie Doll Reference Books I have seen. Great closeup photos of the Barbie Faces. .
Barbie Doll Photo Album 1959 - 2009 Identification & Values
J. Michael Augustyniak
Collector Books Copyright 2010

I have already identified two Barbie dolls in my collection which I had no idea who they were.
I found out one doll was Courtney from the Barbie Diaries. 2006 and the other was a Fashion Fever Drew 2004.
Both are redressed.
Barbie Doll Photo Album 1959 - 2009 Identification & Values
J. Michael Augustyniak
Collector Books Copyright 2010
I have already identified two Barbie dolls in my collection which I had no idea who they were.
I found out one doll was Courtney from the Barbie Diaries. 2006 and the other was a Fashion Fever Drew 2004.
Both are redressed.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Lovely Lea
Found Lea a few months ago on one of my treasure hunting expeditions. Can't remember what she had on when I found her, but I had redressed her in a black and gold gown. Wasn't really thrilled with the gown, but it was good for the time being. Yesterday, I came across an outfit on another doll at the Thrift Store. It wasn't the Barbie that caught my eye but the red oriental outfit. Today while looking at it I thought why not let Lea try it on. The outfit has no tags. The jacket has metal snaps, while the skirt fastens with velcro. It also came with a gold mesh scarf, which I put under the jacket. I added the red pumps. There is also a gold clutch for Lea to use. Perfect!
Palm Beach Midge
After a beautiful day at the beach, Palm Beach Midge decides she needs a little pampering. She stops off at the Groovy Girls Beauty Salon for a beauty treatment. Both items, Midge and the Beauty Salon were found at the thrift store. The Beauty Salon still has it's tags.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Mystery Doll
Found this cutie at the Thrift Store today. She was naked, so I borrowed a valentine dress from Barbie and added some pink boots. She is 11 1/2 inches tall. The only marks were found on her head.. Made in China, Fabrique en Chine, a number and then 98. I am assuming the 98 is for the date she was made. She has on light blue molded panties. Her knees and ankles are hinged. She is flat footed. One unusual thing about her is her legs can twist all the way around. Does anybody recognize her?
Monday, April 5, 2010
Vintage Ponytail Barbie
This is one of my best finds in the Thrift Store I frequent the most. I found her sometime last year. She was still in the cart waiting to be hung up. I asked the worker if I could see her. Since she was in a plastic bag, I assumed she was a reproduction Barbie. I took her anyway. When I got home I looked at her carefully. She had the vintage Mattel mark on her bottom. Nothing on her neck. Japan on her foot. I still wasn't completely sure she was vintage. I kept her in the Purple Label Barbie outfit that she came in, added a pair of white shoes. She was missing her pearl earrings but didn't mind since I probably would have taken them out to prevent green ear. It wasn't until today that I am now quite sure that I got a Vintage Ponytail No.6 Barbie. While browsing some doll sites, I came across "Krista's Doll Restoration" page. On her site, she has a section called Barbie by Year. On that page it has descriptions as well as photos of Vintage Barbies. As I was browsing thru the photos, there she was, a vintage Ponytail No. 6 with watermelon lips. I also found out that she came in a red jersey swimsuit and red open toe shoes.
Thanks Krista for all the information about Vintage Barbies.
Krista's Doll Restorations:
Thanks Krista for all the information about Vintage Barbies.
Krista's Doll Restorations:
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Boxed Barbie Dolls
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Easter Delights Barbie 2003
Happy Easter! Found this Barbie Easter Delights Doll today during my regular Saturday Morning Treasure Hunting Expedition. She came out for the 2003 Easter Season. In very good condition. Missing her yellow Easter basket, the sponge applicator, the bunny, chick and jelly beans. You were able to paint the bunny and other items with cool water.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Madeline, a character created by author Ludwig Bemelmans. Madeline was modeled after the author's daughter Barbara.
Madeline in the white dress with black jacket is marked Eden Toys '89 and Madeline in the red dress is marked Learning Curve Intl. and Bem DIC no date.
The red dress Madeline knees bend, the white dress Madeline does not. Both have appendicitis scars.
The Learning Curve doll has a twist and turn waist. Both dolls are 8 inches tall.
Official Madeline website:
Madeline in the white dress with black jacket is marked Eden Toys '89 and Madeline in the red dress is marked Learning Curve Intl. and Bem DIC no date.
The red dress Madeline knees bend, the white dress Madeline does not. Both have appendicitis scars.
The Learning Curve doll has a twist and turn waist. Both dolls are 8 inches tall.
Official Madeline website:
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