Thursday, March 29, 2012


Sorry, but haven't been able to post till today. 
I have been under the weather for almost 
2 weeks.  Couldn't get out of bed without feeling sick. 
The past two days I have been feeling somewhat 
better, but not good enough to go doll hunting. 
Today there was an estate sale that had 
vintage Barbie's which I would have loved to go to
but it is not in the cards. :( 

Since I have no new dolls to post about, I found a site 
to purchase dolls online. 
They seem reasonable. Prices are like what you 
would find at the stores here in the U.S. 
They have Barbies, M.H. but couldn't find 
any Liv dolls. 

It's called Toy Country. 
Check out their website at: 

They also have a site on E-bay where they sell their clearance items. 

Their e-bay site is at 

Has anyone purchased any dolls from either of these sites? 

Hope to be back soon. Keep checking every so often for updates.


  1. I hope you'll feel better soon! And thanks, I'll be sure to check that site out!

  2. I was worried about you. I was about to send out the troops to come find you. Hope you are back to your old self real soon.

  3. Hi Frannie, I'm glad you are feeling better. I was wondering where you were. I miss seeing your post. Thanks for the link.

  4. Aww, Frannie :( Hope you will be on the prowl soon. I have never heard of that site. I kinda have a fear of buying dolls online and think I've only ever done it once.

  5. Thanks Ladies, Hopefully will be back on the mend and out to find some new dollies. Garage sale season is here!

  6. Hey Frannie, sure do miss you as well! If you need anything, Hampton and I are only a hop and a skip away :) Continued prayers for your speedy recovery and good health.

    1. Thanks Chynadoll, Need to get better so I can come down and bring you the goodies we talked about.

  7. Hi Frannie,

    Wishing you a full and speedy recovery. Rest well!

  8. Hello from Spain: I missed you. I hope you feel better every day health. Thank you for showing this page toys. Never buy anything in that store. keep in touch.

    1. Thanks Marta, Getting better day by day. Just wish I knew what it was.

  9. Hoping you feel even more better soon. It's early days for thrift marketing, hmmm? I might go for you though ;-P . Don't know for sure, but I might try. New for me.

  10. Oh No! Being too sick to play with your dolls is really the pits. I hope you get well really soon.

  11. I'm so sorry to hear you have been sick. I started a new job so I have been busy but I do have a Frannie you will be meeting so I hope that brings a smile to your face. Thanks for the link

  12. Thanks D7ana, Try it you might find you love it!

    Thanks Betty, I hate not being able to go doll hunting!

    Thanks Brini, Best wishes in your new job! Can't wait to meet your Frannie!

  13. So sorry to hear you've been feeling bad, Frannie! Hope you are on the mend by now and almost ready to resume your hunting. :)

  14. Hi Frannie, I'm thinking about you. I know real life can get in the way of blogging, so I hope you're feeling better and can share your great finds with us again soon. :)

  15. Hi there!
    I´m feeling a bit worried about you, are you OK? Your blog has been always an inspiration and you seem to be such a nice person... I hope you´ll get well soon. I send you my love. (Chicovintage)

  16. Chicovintage, Thanks for the kind words and concern for my health. Hopefully will be back to blogging soon.

  17. Thanks Frannie for taking the time to write these words, I was worried about you!Somehow, you´ve become some kind of friend to me, even when you know nothing about me... (that´s the magic of the internet)

  18. Frannie, I am glad to see your brief comment above. I hope you feel better soon - blogging or not. As Anonymous wrote, reading your blog makes us feel as though we were friends offline, too.

    Not - of course - to insert myself into your offline life. I do wish you steady good health.
