Friday, October 21, 2011

Tokidoki Barbie

Tokidoki Barbie

Gold Label 
Made in China 
Tokodoki means "sometimes" in Japanese 

This is the first Barbie I made sure I was 
on Barbiecollector  the day she was  released. 
She was one I really wanted. She arrived 
today in the mail 

Barbie Collector find


  1. Applause! Congrats on getting her, Frannie! I heard she sold out and boy, can I see why now.

    I don't usually like tattoos, but hers are lovely.

  2. Thanks D7ana. I have been waiting for months for her to come out.

  3. Congrats! I hear that she is selling for crazy prices already. I also heard that BC is supposed to get more in November. She's nice, but not on my list. It would have been extra nice if they had articulated her.

  4. Thanks Vanessa, I liked her because she was unusual with the pink hair. I can't believe what they are selling for on E-Bay.

  5. I don't care what people say, I like this hair and all! People get over it! Some Barbies are for children and some are for adults!

  6. Hear here, Ms. Leo! Wink, lol.

    I like her, too. I have too many Steffie-faced dolls myself, but she's lovely to look at. (Notice how I am desperately trying to NOT want this doll, too?) Cool outfit and her tattoos give her an edgier look. I'm trying for Vanessa's ability to appreciate dolls without adding them to my collection. Trying, mind you, lol.

  7. I call her The Doll With The Dragon Tattoo ;-)
