Saturday, October 22, 2011


Babysitters Club 
10 inches tall 
Not original clothing 
Marked on neck 
Claudia (in script) - 1992 Remco 
Marked on back 
Remco 1991 
Made in China 
Thrift Store find


  1. I need to research these Remco dolls. I've been seeing pictures lately, but I don't know much about them.

    Love your background. I feel like I've been gone forever now, but it's only been a few days.

  2. Claudia originally came as a set with a younger Kelly sized doll. My Claudia has a little green ear most likely from her earrings. Remco was taken over by Jakks Pacific in 1997.
    Hasbro also made the Babysitters Club dolls but they were single dolls. Kenner made 18 inch BabySitter Club dolls.

  3. Vanessa, The background is from Jody's House by Ideal in the 1970's.

  4. I love her! She looks like a young Kira. Is she an Asian doll?

  5. Ms. Leo, When I found her I also thought she was Asian, but I am not definitely sure. I never read the books, will let you know if I find out.

  6. She's so pretty so I decided to look for her in eBay and...
    YAY! I saw one being sold for over $100.

  7. Niel, I looked for some of the other doll on E-bay and they were outrageous. That is one reason I look for dolls at Thrift Store and Flea Markets. Claudia is very pretty, but you have to be careful to make sure she doesn't have green ear from her earrings.

    1. I have her also. My cuzin gave her to me. I think my cuzin amy wanted to be a stylust at the time because claudias hair was cut. She definatly does not come with earring holes. I had to make them with a sharp paperclip so what ever made her earrings or a melted earring may have caused the green ear.

  8. @Ms Leo, I looked up information on the girls in the Babysitters Club books and it says that Claudia is Japanese-American.

  9. Cool, Frannie! I have never seen the Remco Babysitters Club dolls. (Except the AA one that DBG has in her book - need to check for that link.) Yes, Claudia is Japanese-American - nice and specific instead of the usual, vague "Asian American."

    My Claudia is by Kenner and Scholastic Books. BUT I think she has the same body as the Maxie dolls. I have to check though.
