Monday, June 21, 2010

Oriental Barbie

Oriental Barbie was produced by Mattel in 1980.  She was part of the Dolls of the World Series. Hair needs to be restyled, bangs flattened down on forehead.


  1. Thank you for changing your settings. :) I always have wanted to leave a comment in your blog. I'm amazed with the little treasure you found like this doll. =D

  2. Thank Niel! Thanks for mentioning it. All comments are appreciated.

  3. This is from 1981! the first Oriental Barbie, and with a new unique face mold ("Kira"; they used it for years, including on Eskimo Barbie).

    I think she is really lovely, with very delicate face paint. Maybe the nicest Asian doll they ever made...and the first! AND you have her original costume (hard to find!).

    Yes, tamp down her bangs. In fact, in this era, the hair was VERY greasy. Wash it in a bit of laundry liquid soap (or ordinary shampoo)...might take as many as 3 washings. (Do not dry with a dryer, obviously, the saran will melt!). Air dry, then brush out. This should flatten her bangs; they are intentionally a big "spikey".

    A beautiful doll and real find! Lucky you!
