Monday, June 21, 2010

Do you recognize me- 5?

Marked on neck 2004. On back 1966   Made in Indonesia.  Iridescent strands of crimped hair run through her tresses.  Real eyelashes.  Purple design on the sides of both eyes.  Dress has a pink label.  Don't know if it is original to doll.  Shoes were replaced by me.


  1. she is a rebodied Fairytopia Elina her original body had permanent fiber optic wings

  2. I thought that her head wasn't on the right body but wasn't sure. Thanks for the info. Have you ever thought of writing a book with all the information you know?

  3. I'll never be finished because there's always new stuff coming out hehe

  4. I already thought I recognized her!
    I have her too, I bought her at a flea market with her original outfit, complete except for her necklace.
    I love her!
