Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Another New Doll Series

Oh no, another new doll series being produced 
by MGA. 
They are called Novi Dolls and they come from
outer space. 
There are 4 different dolls from the pictures I have seen. 
Doesn't say how tall they are. (Bratz size?) 
Their names are:
Mae Tallick, Alie Lectric, Una Verse & Ari Roma
They each come with their own pets. 
Little to no articulation. 


They will be at Major Retailers in August.


  1. These companies and their teasing promos, ;-P

    Come on, folks, give your fans and possible fans a clue or two. Thanks for the notice, Frannie. I'll keep an eye open for them ;-)

  2. Too Many dolls are coming out at once. The companies are vying for your money. Should spread them out.

  3. I'm with them, "What on Earth is going on?" I can't see a thing. I guess I could go to their facebook page. Maybe that's part of their plan. But I'm not going. I'm just glad they are those dolls I like to enjoy from afar.

  4. Hi, I just found your blog and joined. I've loved dolls all my life but never had a Barbie. I've been buying Only Heart Club dolls since January for my grands but they needed a mother and a house so I've been working on that. I finally decided I want a play doll of my own and bought one, the Model Muse Midge w/ bobbed hair. I do have the Irish/Ireland Barbies but just because they are Irish. I've been buying furniture and found some fabulous buys by just looking every day until I find a bargain. Just delivered yesterday is the Fashion Fever Kitchen NRFB for $4.24. Yes, really! I haven't tried the thrift stores for dolls because these girls have so many with trashed hair it will take me forever to figure out what they have now. They do know some and I found we have a great Hanna Montana who is perfect. I even dug through their pile of clothes and her's was here. So, now I'm hooked and want to do a diorama. Have you done any? I started one in a box but it's really not sturdy as I would like. Now, I've got this idea of buying an old dresser,taking out the drawers and sitting them up for rooms. Is that a crazy idea? I'm retired and spend most of my money on Dr bills so I have to do this on a shoe string. I've nearly broken the bank buying them the Only Hearts series. I don't like weekends as I have no one to play with. Say 2nd childhood? I live in KS where we are breaking heat records right and left so I'm glad I got this started for us because it is not fit to play outside. Stop by if you are passing through and play with us, ok?

  5. Thanks for joining, Gayla T., You will find all different types of doll collectors here. If you click on
    Vanessa does some awesome dioramas. Other collectors love to make stuff. I will have to send you some links. (Send me your e-mail address, )
    What type of house are you looking for. Will keep an eye out for a good price. How about looking at Garage Sales, or put an ad on Craigslist that you are looking for a dollhouse. Any questions feel free to ask.Glad to have you hear.


  6. Vanessa's blog is DEFINITELY a MUST visit online site. But Gayla T should visit MyFroggyStuff as well. Craft projects galore, for all sizes of dolls.

    Okay, youse can all say, "Buttinsky," lol.
