Monday, June 4, 2012


Haven't driven my car since the beginning of March.   Didn't want to hurt anyone.  Now when I feel 
fine the doctors won't let me drive since I am getting the radiation and taking steroids to keep any inflammation 

C'est la vie

(Such is life).  I have been taking advantage of the time and trying to find dolls in my room that I have forgotten about.  Also looking on the net for bargains. 

One bargain I found is:

 SIS Locks of Looks.  for only 12.59.  Half price of what it was in Target.
Also picked up 3 other SIS dolls. 


  1. I'm sorry you’re not getting out! Send me your mailing address and I'll send you a little something! You can email me at leoatawbury at

  2. Hello from Spain: mood, you'll have time to drive when you finish treatment. Thanks for your dolls you find on the net. I love the SIS. Already told you that in my country do not sell the SIS. Keep in touch

  3. I'm sorry. But at least now you can pay attention to those forgotten girls!

  4. Great price on the SIS pair. They retail for $17.99 on That'a a long time to go without driving, but it's a great way to save money on gas. You will have lots of doll money when you get back out there.

  5. Great price. Frannie, even being home you are still finding the best finds. Lol! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Love those sets. I'm glad to see you posting even though you can't drive for the moment :O)

  7. Hey Frannie, I'm just a hop skip and a jump from ya! If you need wheels and a get out just let me know! We could breeze on out whenever your ready and up to it! Ya know how to reach me:) hugs my friend!

  8. You have so many treasures it will be a real treat to see some of your "lost girls." Glad to see you posting again.

  9. If you can try boiling some ginger or eating it for the inflammation. Other natural foods, herbs and spices can help too!
