Thursday, June 14, 2012


Only 3 more radiation treatments to go.  By next week 
they will be all over.  
But the best news was that the problem wasn't really a brain tumor. 
It was a metastasis that grew too large and  needed to get shrunk down to 
size before it really did any permanent damage. 
Radiation was a piece of cake. It took about 10 minutes. 
If you want to know anything about it e-mail me at and will be happy to explain the procedure.
My hair is all gone, but at least  I am alive. I am awaiting my hats from    At least I am going to be in style with the Moxie Girls, 
Bratz and Barbie going bald.  
It's been fun exploring e-bay.  Been finding some great bargains. 
Hopefully will be on the road soon.   Tomorrow is KT's birthday and 
she is going to take me out of the house for awhile.  Pat needs a vacation 
from me.  
Lollipop Girls 
Jan McClean 
Signature Series
Full face 

Signature on box. 

Charlene the seller also sent me a pair of  
heart shaped earrings. Her friend creates them. 
They are so pretty.  Love the green color. 

E-Bay find

 Will be posting my finds when I receive them and if I win them. 
Have really gotten into the vintage Integrity dolls.


  1. I'm glad to hear that it wasn't a brain tumor! Congrats! Alani is a very pretty doll.

  2. That's awesome news. Will you be showing off your new hats?

    I think I have 1 Lollipop Girl around here. But this one is cute. Don't grab too many bargains save some for others :O)

  3. That's great news! We look forward to seeing you back full time. Looking forward to seeing the vintage IT dolls.

  4. Hello from Spain: how happy ending treatment and was not a tumor. I am very happy for you. Your Alani doll is very nice. keep in touch

  5. Praise and thanks that your treatment is working well! Looking forward to seeing more treasures from your thrift store hunts.

  6. Glad to read that you are doing better.

    Did I read vintage Integrity dolls? Oh boy oh boy oh boy! I can't wait to read those. Do you mean the 1980s Janay/Alysa/Jade dolls or the Integrity Candi dolls?

    Holding my hand over my mouth. Okay, I'll wait.

  7. Wonderful news Frannie! Can't wait to see your dolls.
