Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Women Action Figures

In the Northeast, the winter has been 
pretty mild.  Whenever the temperature 
is over 32 degrees, people are at the 
 Flea Market selling their wares.
I got to there on Saturday, not many
dolls but I did find these two ladies.
Don't know who they are.

Lady No. 1

Lady No. 2 

11 1/2 inches tall 
On their backs 
both are marked M & G 
Made in China

Looks like they have their original outfits 
Most likely had accessories but they weren't
with these ladies.

Anyone have an idea who they are?
Flea Market find.


  1. These were great finds. You don't see many female action figures in stores, so to see them at a flea market is so rare. Congrats!

  2. High today will be 72 degrees and I'll still have my heater on under my desk. I hate being cold. In fact here, our artist market closes from mid Dec to early March because it's our cold season. We are punks!

    I've never seen those dolls before. Their outfits are nicely tailored.

  3. Thanks Ms. Leo, I was surprised when I saw them at the Flea Market. Just wish I knew who they were.

    Hey,It's Muff, Thanks, Their outfits are nice. Wish it was 72 degrees here. There would be a lot more vendors at the Flea Market. LOL.

  4. Hello from Spain: I had never seen the kinds of dolls. Are originals. I do not know who they are. How lucky of you with so much heat. In Spain, a very cold winter. Keep in touch

  5. Frannie, you find the best stuff! Go, girl! Those are PowerTeam LADIES - well, female characters, if "ladies" offend anyone.

    Want to see more of them? Check this Webshots link. About 10 or so years ago, Small Blue Planet sold them. I miss SBP!

    Thanks for sharing these. Great to see them again. (And I have NOT a ONE of them ;-D)

  6. Thanks Marta, This was the first time I ever saw these action figures.

    Thanks D7ana for the information. I knew you would probably know who they are.

  7. Loving those outfits! We should have known D7ana would know. Always nice to see the action figure ladies just to add a little spice to the mix.

  8. Vanessa, aren't those outfits great. I know they will be put to good use.

  9. I didn't even know they had Powerteam ladies! That's a great find!!

  10. Thanks, Frannie and Vanessa!

    I was on the fence about buying them so the Power Team females have a Post-It mark in my mental filing cabinet.

    What's especially cool is that those look like the original fashions. Yes indeed. Very cool find indeed. Frannie, your tracking skills should be classified ;-D

  11. Thanks Brini, I didn't know either.

    D7ana, Thanks, I know you are the source for action figures!

  12. Frannie love them. I have been MIA for a couple of days. I have 3 Power Team ladies and I love them, The 2nd lady you have I bought with her partner. I never saw the 1st lady or I would've snatched her up.

  13. Thanks for the information Dollz4Moi. Now at least I know there were 3 different Power Team Ladies!

  14. I really like these gals - wish they sold Power Team figures here in the UK!

  15. Hippolyta, Thanks, Power Team figures are hard to find here in the US. There is one store in my area that carries them but not all the time. I usually find them at Flea Markets or the Thrift Store.
