Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Laura and Frankie Design A Room

Laura and Frankie were 
driving me crazy last week. 
They saw the Design a Room Box 
and decided they wanted to build their 
own living room. 
They dragged the box out to the 
kitchen and called for me to get in 
there quickly. 

 When I got there, those two mischievous little 
creatures already had the box up on the table.
 They struggled to open it and asked for my help.

 Once I opened it they were curious to see 
what was inside.

They took out the floor first and put it together. 

 Frankie and Laura argued about the wall color. 
Frankie thought the walls should be green, while 
Laura favored the red roses. 
Laura won out.

 They decided not to put any other tile on the floor 
since it would be too much work.

 They finally got the walls put together. 

Laura decided to open the plastic packages. 

While Frankie read the instructions.

 They hung the shelf and picture frame.
Laura put the TV on the shelf. 
They worked well together. 

 Frankie and Laura then dragged in the sofa.

 Laura  went to get the lamp. 

 And Frankie pushed in the table.

They were proud of the work they done. 

And decided to rest and watch TV for the rest 
of the day. 


  1. I have a couple of these sets..don't waste your time with the yellow tiles they don't stick to the floor.

    Love what they did with their space :O)

  2. Great photo story. I love the idea of this set. Wish they were still making these in new colors.

  3. This is so cute! I love the story and all if the pictures :) it came out great! I wish they were still making these as well!

  4. Thanks Dollz4Moi, I thought the tiles would be a pain to put on. I would rather put something over it for a floor.

    Hey It's Muff, Thanks, you could probably just make something like it. Get a board, have someone put a groove in the board for the walls. And make your own walls. I can give you the dimensions of the floor if you want.

    Chynadoll, Thanks, as I said to Hey It's Muff, it is probably so easy to make something like this on your own.

  5. Very cute story. Glad to see you getting good use out of the room set.

  6. Hi Frannie: Frankie and Laura are very creative. I like the pink walls. I like the sofá. I love the story and photos. Congratulations on your purchase of the room. We remain in contact blog blog

  7. Limbe Dolls, Thanks, Just wish it was a bit bigger. Can't put a lot of furniture in the room.

    Marta, Thanks, It was a lot of fun creating the story.

    Thanks Pattidolls!

  8. I see the girls love the room, it turned out great. You know you can find some cool stuff..

  9. i love the story. cool room.

  10. Brini, yes, the girls do love the room and they are planning to hopefully do another in the future.

    Betty, Thanks, I enjoyed doing the story with the help of Frankie and Laura.
