Monday, January 2, 2012

Sleepover Party

This is another of my purchases
on my last day of 
2011 doll shopping. 
Sleepover Party 
Spin Master 
Alexis comes with a perfume atomizer, 
compact, brush and mirror. 
She also has her own pillow.
Alexis has a button on the side 
of her body to move her arm to 
simulate throwing the pillow.
Alexis also has sleep eyes. 
Wal-Mart find. 


  1. That is so cute! I'm glad they've made her skin darker.

  2. long time not visit here... your blog getting more interesting and so damn beauty..

  3. I may take back the color doll and pick up the sleepover Alexis. At least her arms move :O) Back to Target this week..LOL

    Love the new look too ;O)

  4. Miss_Lola_77, Happy about that too! Maybe Spin Master is listening to collectors?

    affandydesign, Thanks for stopping by and your nice comments about my blog.

    Dollz4Moi, Even though I liked the different color wigs on the other LIV dolls, I agree with you at least on this doll her arms move. Wonder if they are going to sell the color wigs separately?

  5. Bello from SpAin, i see that ver y well finished the year with a new parchase of the dolls. I love that Liv. I like the civer photo of your blog. The room is very confortable. IT is ideal chair and matching table. I have that dog. Ver y goog photo. We remain in contact blog blog

  6. Thanks Marta! The background is from the Ideal Jody doll of the 1970's. Furniture is by Mattel 2008.

  7. Love the new blog design. Great buy. I haven't seen the darker skinned dolls yet. I will have to keep my eye open (no pun intended) for that one. Oh goodness. Dollz4Moi is headed back to target.

  8. Thanks Vanessa, The Sleepover Party dolls were also on the 50% clearance at Wal-Mart.

  9. Darn, I missed seeing them on sale. Thanks for the information about this Liv series though Frannie.

    This Alexis seems darker than the earlier ones. Also, does she have more of a shine to her face and body?

    BTW, love the new blog look.

  10. Thanks D7ana, I have seen them in the clearance aisle in some Wal-Marts They are most likely still available at 50% off. Alexis is much darker than the earlier ones.

  11. Hi! She is sooo pretty!I have never seen Liv dolls closing their eyes! if you'll ever think to sell her - please let me know! You wont find her in here,in Poland :(
