Sunday, November 13, 2011


Marked on head and back
Mattel 2003 
10 inches tall 
Some of the original clothes 
that came with Tika. 
Flea Market find.


  1. I like your new background and header photo.

  2. Hello from Spain: I did not know these dolls. They are beautiful and bring a modern clothing. We remain in contact blog blog

  3. Hello Marta, Flavas dolls came out by Mattel in 2003. Were not around very long. Getting hard to find dolls in this series.

  4. I found one at the local doll show. Their bodies are articulated but very odd. I planned to rehead the one I got (she was a skin match for some of my very dark barbies) but her head knob was just so weird I couldn't make it work.

  5. Miss_Lola_77, Didn't plan on to rebody this doll. Thanks for the info since you never know when I might come across one that I did want to rebody.

  6. I never realized that these dolls were only 10in until I saw one in person from limbe dolls. I remember seeing them in the stores at the time, but never purchased any of them. There is a Lima out there that I wouldn't mind having. D7ana has it in her collection.

  7. Flavas are hard to find. Every so often I will pick one up at the Flea Market or the Thrift Store. I usually find the ladies.

  8. I rebodied some flavas heads on regular matching Barbie bodies. I have a Kiyoni Brown head on a SiS Chandra body and a Tika head on My Scene Madison's body. I got my flavas from ebay; some had missing fingers so I switched bodies.
    I love your blog.

  9. Thanks so much Nao C, glad you are enjoying my blog. Also thanks for the information on what Flavas heads would go on what other bodies. But as Miss_Lola_ 77 mentioned the head knobs on the Flavas bodies are weird, so it is probably not likely to get a Barbie head on a Flavas body.
