Friday, October 28, 2011

Mixed up Clone

After my trip to Amazing Savings, 
we went over to Shoppers World which
was next door. 
The store is located in an old grocery store. 
In the window, I saw some Defa-Lucys.
Went in and headed for the toys. 
Thought I might purchase a Lucy when 
something else caught my eye. 
I first did a double take when I thought
I saw a Barbie Basics Box. 
Upon closer inspection it was a doll 
called Super Cool Model. 
A Barbie Clone. 
There were a few different dolls (no AA)
all dressed differently.
I chose this one for her hair and her outfit. 
Called Super Cool Model 
 Lollipop Toys
11 1/2 inches tall 
Made in China 
She has  real eyelashes and earrings.
It wasn't till I turned the box over 
till I found out that she could be a Harumika Clone. 

Her outfit is only a piece of material 
wrapped around her body and locked 
in place by pushing the material into a slot (style lock)
in her back.
Just like the Harumika dolls. 
Comes with a stylus tool to tuck the fabric into the slot. 
There is also a stand for the doll. 
So I called her my Harumika Clone in a 
Barbie Basics Clone Box.
She is kind of pretty and unusual  for $4.99.
Too bad she wasn't articulated. 
Shoppers World find.


  1. Wow! You scored! Not to bad look of a clone and great for the price. We don't have that store were I live. I think you can do a lot with her. The clones are really out aren't they I spotted some interesting clones too!

  2. hi I'm Monika live in Poland in Tychy.
    I liked your blog, it is interesting.
    I invite you to my blog about barbie dolls

  3. Great clone! I love it when they branch out and make Collector doll clones.

  4. Thanks Ms. Leo, It's interesting the way they took the piece of material to make her an outfit. Will see if the company that makes these have other stores where they are available.

    Monika, Thank you, I am going to look at your blog. I love to see other bloggers dolls.

    Thanks Miss Spotty Jane, I love the unusual. I am always on the lookout for different dolls.

  5. She is definitely one of the better clones that I have seen. She is actually cute and I love the color of that fabric which looks like a really nice dress.

  6. Vanessa, Out of all of them that they had, I liked this one the best.

  7. Frannie, thanks for sharing the photos. I love the dress and how it is draped. Would make a nice dress for some of the dolls. Doll is cute, too.

  8. Thanks Dana, I liked the way it looked too.

  9. Really interesting clone doll! I would definitely have bought her too if I'd come across one like her.

  10. Hippolyta, she is definitely different from other clones.
