Monday, October 17, 2011

Heidi the Pocketbook Doll

The Pocketbook Doll
5 1/2 inches tall 
Marked on Head 
1964 Remco 
Marked on Back 
Not sure if this is her original outfit, but it does 
belong to her.
Heidi had a button on her tummy, when pressed 
her arm raised to say "Hi"
In this series there were 6 other dolls 
Jan - Heidi's Asian Friend  5 1/2 inches tall
All the others were 4 1/2 inches.
There was Herby, Pip, Spunky, Hildy and Billy. 
They did make an AA Heidi 
Found a picture on Flick'r

Heidi in her pocketbook case. 
Estate Sale find.


  1. EEEEeeeeekkkkk!
    Hi, Heidi! No, I am NOT greeting her. I thought of her as "Hi Heidi" - she's a doll from my childhood. Neat. Congrats on your find.

    I didn't know she had ethnic friends. Go, Heidi. (That's in "go girl" go.) I'm not rejecting her ;-D

  2. Thanks D7ana, Heidi is saying "HI" I knew about Jan but was surprised when I found the picture of the AA Heidi on the net. Others on the net weren't sure if she was made. But now we know she was!

  3. Awesome childhood doll! I have a few that the buttons are stuck in and was wondering if there was someone out there that can tell me how to unstick the buttons so she waves again! Would like to leave them working for my grandchildren! Any suggestions would be wonderful!!! Very sturdy doll!

  4. I still have my pocketbook doll and would love to sell it if you can let me know approx price and if you d like to buy it? Thanks!
