Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Vintage Black Doll

Need help!
Today, while walking around the Flea Market, I stopped 
at a new dealer where I had bought the Gone With The Wind Dolls, 
At first, I saw the Action Figures and played with Barbies that 
he had.  After looking thru the Action figures and picked out two.
Out of the corner of my eye I spied her.
12 inch black doll. 
Stuffed with sawdust. Her foot needs some 
mending. Some of the sawdust is falling out. 
I am assuming she is from the 1940's or 50's. 
No labels to identify her. 
Skirt is original since it is the same material as 
her head scarf.  Scarf is not removable.
I know black dolls from that era are rare. 
I believe her face is painted gauze. 
Her face paint is still good, not sure if she was 
repainted. (I don't know how I would be 
able to tell if she was)
Her only flaw is that her foot needs mending. 
Any information on her would greatly be appreciated!
Flea Market find.


  1. Wow, very nice find Frannie!! She looks to be in good condition.

  2. Thanks Georgia Girl, for her age she is in very good condition, would love to find more information about her.
