Sunday, September 4, 2011

My First Re-body!

Today was the day I was going to try and
re-body the doll that I posted about a few days ago. 
I read over the hints, and thought I would try 
the hot water suggestion first.  That didn't seem to
work since I think my water isn't hot enough. 
So I commandeered my youngest daughter's
blow dryer and started heating the neck of the blond. 
Well, I started getting frustrated.  I was using my nail file
and it kept bending.  I was going to give up trying to get 
the head off. until I saw my daughters bobby pins. 
Heated up the neck again and worked with the
bobby pins at getting the head off! 
Then I worked on the other doll which took less time than the first.
Popped the head on the new articulated body! 
My first re-body done. 
Here's how Emily Anne looks with her new body. 
She is very pleased with the results.
Thanks to Ms. Leo, Dollz4Moi, Niel, and Cat for their helpful 
hints and for giving me the confidence to try and re-body!


  1. I knew you could do it! She looks great! You are on your way. Oh, one thing I forgot to mention, I cut the hooks off head knobb after removing the head. If I want to change the head again, it isn't as difficult the second time. I should have mentioned that sooner. =(

  2. Thanks Ms. Leo, I didn't cut off the hooks since I don't think I am going to change her. Next time I might.

  3. Hurray! Glad to know that you persisted and you were successful. :)

  4. Whoo hoo! Congrats! She looks good on her new body. I am definately going to have to do a head swap soon!

  5. She looks gorgeous! I purchased my first Fashionistas Swappin' Heads body and did the same for one of my girls. I have to say, I think I like the new Fashionistas body better than the first one.

    Great job.

  6. Thanks all! I am glad I didn't give up. Most likely it will be easier now since I did my first one!

  7. Yay, Frannie! Applause for your first body swap. Something tells me you'll have many more to come!

    Go, Frannie, go!

  8. Thanks D7ana, once you get the hang of it, it wasn't that bad. Yes I probably will have many more!

  9. I knew you could do it. She looks great on her new body. Now you'll find yourself swapping like crazy :O)

  10. Thanks Dollz4Moi, you are right, I am now looking for others to swap. Just to find the right dolls.

  11. Hi Frannie! I saw this post and thought about your rebodying interest. Check what this blogger did to get a larger S.i.S. Grace.

  12. How did I miss your first rebody? Just happened to see this post on the right hand side of your blog. Congrats! She looks wonderful!

  13. Thanks Vanessa, now I am hunting for articulated bodies for the dolls I want to re-body.
