Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Liv Purchases

During the past month I have been looking at 
the clearance aisle in Wal-Mart. Picked up 
a few Liv items. Hopefully they will soon have 
a 50% off their clearance items.
One accessory set.  
Has laptop, case, ipod, cell phone. 
a desert, glass and a tray. 

3 different outfits.  I love the multicolored jacket. 
Too bad they don't make it in my size. 
It's My Nature 
Spin Master
Made in China 
She was $5.00.  The others in the series were 
still priced 19.97 and were in the Clearance Aisle. 
Wasn't 19.97 the original price?
I even scanned the boxes to make sure. 
I would have bought the others if they were priced 
the same as Sophie.


  1. You are going to make me go back to WalMart! I scan her last week and she was 19.99. I'll have to check this week!

  2. I thought they had the wrong price, but I scanned the box also. Who knows?

  3. Congratulations on your finds and those great prices! Does that version of Sophie have the tiny scissors?

    I'd LOVE to find a My Nature Hayden with the bunny rabbit. Sooo cute.

  4. I dont even collect Liv, but you going to make me go back to Walmart also LOL :)

  5. @D7ana, Thanks, yes that version has the pair of tiny scissors.

    @Chynadoll, a lot of collectors like the Liv doll body. It's a good body to use when you re-body.

  6. Congrats. I don't think I've ever seen the 1st accessory set. Those outfits were on Clearance at one of my Walmarts for $8.97. I left them right there.
    @D7ana - I have that little bunny rabbit. He is adorable.

  7. Thank you for this post! I went back to Walmart and they did had "It's My Nature" marked down. Woo Hoo! I purchased two. I was going to buy one and one in a swim suit but they were still $9.00. So one at $9.00 or two at $5.00...you do the math. I also got shoe set after thinking about what Dollz4Moi said about making the purple pair black. Nothing like black patent leather Maryjanes!

  8. Vanessa, thanks, It seems that different Wal-Marts have different prices.

    @Ms. Leo, You're welcome. I haven't seen the shoe set. Maybe I got to go to another Wal-Mart. What two "It's My Nature" dolls did you get?

  9. I picked up the Nature dolls on clearance @ Target but they didn't do the outfits. They also had the jackets and accessories for $1.98 @ Target. I need to check for them @WM tomorrow. I do like the bodies and for $5 I will get them all again. They were $13 last week. I do need a couple of the outfits I passed on but for $5 I'll take 'em :O)

  10. @Frannie - thanks for letting me know the scissors are with that Sophie.

    @Vanessa - thanks for letting me know how adorable the bunny is. Now I really, really, REALLY wanna get it. Especially if I can at $5.00 ...

    @Frannie again - when I saw IMN Hayden at Walmart she was for $19.97, too. I told one of two Walmart associates that that doll was on sale online for half that. One of the two replied that there are different prices online than are in the stores. Thanks, hmm? But these deals are great.

    Sincere thanks for sharing, everybody. I gotta expand my list of Walmart stores.

  11. @D7ana, It depends on the Wal-Mart store you go to. The one had only Sophie for 5.00. The Wal-Mart I went to today, had none of the It's My Nature Dolls. It really is driving me crazy that all stores are not the same.
