Monday, August 29, 2011

Fashionista Sassy - In the Spotlight

Last Friday, Toy's R Us by me had a grand 
opening sale. (They took over another empty store and
added a Babies R Us and renovated the whole store)
I was sent in the mail a coupon for $5.00 off any 25.00 purchase.
Also they had an offer of one free 6.99 Barbie outfit with a purchase
of a Barbie doll over $10.00,
So I bought the Bratz Thad and Sassy from In the Spotlight. 
Barbie Fashionistas 
In the Spotlight 
Made in China 

This is the free outfit I picked out. 

But wait a minute, I had an ulterior motive
for buying Sassy.  
I was going to debox her.  Since I couldn't
find any articulated bodies at the Thrift Store, I needed 
a lady to model some of the clothes I have. 
Most of you know, I have this fear of deboxing dolls. 
(I did once for my older daughter's wedding) 
This time, I really wanted to debox. 
Out of her plastic prison. 
Pain in the neck trying to get her out of the packaging. 
Finally out of the box.
That wasn't that bad. 
Her name is Tina. 
She will be the model for any new outfits. 
Will I ever debox  another doll?
Only time will tell. 

PS.  If you're on Facebook, Like Toy's R Us and you will 
get a 20% off coupon on any one regular priced toy item 
One time, single use only  Valid till September 4th. 
Wonder what I could buy?


  1. I didn't know you had a fear of deboxing. That's interesting. Do you need me to come up there and counsel you through it? I will bring a lot of boxed dolls and we can take them one at a time. It can be very therapeutic.

  2. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Now if I can get myself to rebody a doll.

  3. Oooh, thanks for the heads up about the FB coupon!

  4. I love the doll! The dress is so beautiful. I would want that dress in my size!
