Sunday, August 21, 2011

"Fashion Avenue" Lingerie

Yesterday I went to a Barbeque Fundraiser for a 
former co-worker's sister who was recently diagnosed with cancer. 
Tina, my co-worker had called me about the fund-raiser two 
weeks ago and told me that someone had donated twenty
Barbie dolls besides all the other
donations they had gotten. 
They were going to have a "Tricky Tray" 
(a raffle of sorts) where you buy tickets and drop them into 
a container of the items you would like to win. 
Since I only stayed for about two hours, Tina told me just 
to write my name on the back of the tickets.  If I won anything, 
she would bring them to me. Today, she brought me 
5 dolls, 1 outfit and a hair dryer. 
So I thought I would post the outfit and one of the dolls today. 
"Fashion Ave"
Trademark of Newport News Inc., a member of the Spiegel Group.
Made in China 
Fund-raiser win.


  1. Now I get it. Glad you won so many items. Sorry for your coworkers sister. I think I have this outfit somewhere. I can't be sure though.

  2. I love Fashion Ave clothes. What a great win for a very worthy cause. I can't wait to see what else you won :O)
