Friday, August 12, 2011

Abbey Bominable

Stopped  Toy's R Us today to see if they had the
new Disney VIP dolls.  They didn't but when
I went down the doll aisle about 8 Abbey Bominables 
were staring me in the face, They probably just put them 
out since the Monster High Section was still nice and neat. 
Abbey Bominable 
Daughter of TheYeti 
Shiver is her Wooly Mammoth pet
Made in China 
Toy's R Us find


  1. Chances are I will never have a Monster High doll in my collection, but I do enjoy looking at them. Whenever I am in the store, I take a look. They are such interesting characters.

  2. My Monster High Dolls are being put away as an investment for some future grandchild's college education. (If I ever have any). I am waiting to see when they will start coming into the Thift Store or at Garage sales. Wonder how many will survive after a child plays with them.

  3. The children in your area don't play with dolls. That's why they end up in thrift stores in such perfect condition.

  4. You should see the dolls that I have left behind. Dolls with no hair or with magic marker make-up. LOL
