Monday, July 25, 2011

Disney Fun

Disney Fun 
Disney Exclusive 
Fourth Edition 
Made in Malaysia 
Garage sale find.


  1. Love this doll. I'm heading to ebay right now to look for the Disney kids. I think there is a Disney Todd and Stacie. Or is that McDonald's. Oh well, I guess I will know soon enough.

  2. My brother just came back from Florida and they had stopped at Disney. I had asked him to look in the Disney Store there to see if they had a Barbie/Disney Exclusive.
    They told him no that they never had one. Thinking about it, most likely if the workers were young kids, they were about 5 or 6 when these dolls originally were out.

  3. Disney should be on everyone's list of "Things to Do". When I worked for Kodak, I won an award and one of the prizes was a trip to Disney for two. The best part was there were other people in different departments that won and our Disney trip was tailored to the Kodak people. They invited just us to Universal Studios one night. They had a red carpet and hired about 100 people to stand there and cheer as we walked the carpet. We had the whole park to ourselves. I had just recently got married, so it was a great getaway. We left my 5 fulltime stepkids at home and invited their mom to stay at our house to babysit. A good time was had by all.
