Saturday, June 18, 2011

What a Surprise!

Here are the ladies looking over the surprise I received last night. 
Last night was our school's End of the Year/Retirement Party. 
This year there are seven of us retiring. So each of the retiree's 
close friends got up and spoke about them. 
My friend Johnnie spoke about me.  We've known 
each other for over 20 years. She spoke about how we met, 
my collection of Historical Memorabilia of the city and 
my doll collection.  Johnnie always tells me I should make 
a Barbie Pink Room in my house. (She is into themed rooms)
The only way that is going to happen is if I hit the lottery and buy a bigger house (fat chance)
or when my two kids who are still at home decide to leave.
At the end, she surprised me with this sign.
If you turn it around, it is the everyday green and white street sign. 
Now, where to put it. LOL..


  1. Nice. Was it made using a cricket machine and the colored viynal?

  2. It's a real street sign my friend had someone paint for me.
