Thursday, June 30, 2011

Tea Party Part 1

Every year for about 5+ years, a group of us have been going
to have tea the Proprietary House. It's a get together of 
some co-workers and friends to celebrate the end of the school year. 
The Proprietary House in Perth Amboy, New Jersey was the 
residence of the last Royal Governor of New Jersey,
William Franklin, son of Benjamin. 
For more of the history of the Proprietary House click the link below.
Yesterday the ladies heard me talking about going to tea and 
all of them wanted to go. I told them since Queen Charice 
was already dressed, she would be allowed to accompany me as
my guest at the tea. 
Told her to wait while I got my things together and 
we would be leaving in a few minutes. 
We went to my car and got Queen Charice buckled in. 
She started complaining that it was hot. 
(I told her to leave the stole at home, but she never listens)
I put the air conditioner on for the short ride to the Proprietary House.
Almost there. 

Here we are 

Queen Charice was amazed at the size of the mansion. 

We entered the building thru the side basement door.

Showing the invitation
She signed both of us in the registry.
Before the tea started Queen Charice decided 
to have a look around.  First she looked at 
the scale model of the mansion.

 Then she went to see the spinning wheel where she 
pretended to be Rapunzel.

To be continued......


  1. How cute! Loved your story. And to think I thought your doll talents were limited to shopping. Can't wait to see part 2.

  2. This is just too cute!

    I laughed at Van's comment: "And to think I thought your doll talents were limited to shopping."

  3. Thanks Vanessa, I can be creative when the spirit moves me. LOL. At first I was going to put it into a video but I just finished doing two videos for school I just wasn't up to it. Many people don't realize how much time and effort you take to put into your videos. The planning, setting up, writing the script, shooting the pictures and then putting it all together, I just don't know how you do it so well!

  4. Niel,

    Thanks, Vanessa knows my doll buying habits. I love the hunt of finding that elusive doll. But I hate clothes shopping for myself.

  5. You have been holding out on us. Yes, videos are quite time consuming. When I do them, I pretend that I am actually getting paid to produce them. So three days later, I am not wondering why a 4min video cost me so much time.
