Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Secret Spells Kayla

Secret Spells Kayla 
Made in China
Two other dolls in series, Christie and Barbie.
Still missing a few pieces to the set 
Garage sale find.


  1. I don't ever remember seeing this doll. Interesting. Love that red hair. I think I'll go search to see what the other dolls look like.

  2. I just saw the commercial. You definitely got the better doll of the three.

  3. Thanks! This doll from what I have read wasn't on the shelves too long. Controversy over witches, magic, etc. Mattel took them off the shelves.

  4. Did that coincide with the whole Harry Potter controversy? Witches need dolls, too! LOL.

  5. Yes, this one was the best of the lot. No offense to the Barbie or the Christie, but they were run-of-the-mill, B and C. This Kayla though really stands out. Love her cool olive pants, too.

    Part of the "missing pieces" was a packet of Kool Aid, lol. You probably would't want that though, lol.

  6. I'm so jealous!!! That doll is so hard to get in Portugal...

  7. This doll is not that easy to come by in the States too! I just happened to be at the right sale at the right time.
