Friday, June 24, 2011


BFC Ink 
(Best Friends Club) 
MGA Entertainment 
9 inches tall
Original outfit 
Made in China 
Thrift Store find.


  1. I didn't think this doll was 10 inches? I know Francie is 10 1/2 inches and she is much shorter than Francie. I think she is bigger than Stacy but smaller than Fun Teen Skipper(9&1/4).

  2. You are right Ms. Leo, I just
    measured her at 9 inches. I always told my students and staff at school don't believe everything you read on the internet. I didn't take my own advice. I just wrote down on my notes that she was 10 inches which I found on some website. Must learn to measure the dolls myself. 10 lashes with a wet noodle. LOL. Thanks Ms. Leo.

  3. I like her. I really wish these dolls were articulated. They would fit so nicely in my stories.

  4. It wouldn't hurt to send an e-mail to MGA Entertainment and tell them your wish for articulation. Maybe they will listen.

  5. I can't even get Mattel to listen when it comes to articulation. I don't think I stand a chance with MGM.
