Sunday, June 19, 2011

AA Birthday Wishes -Silver Label

Birthday Wishes 
Barbie Collector 
Silver Label 
Mattel 2004 
Made in Indonesia 
Flea Market find


  1. Wow, she is really lovely! The dress is wonderfull. Is she a 2011 or what year did she come out?

  2. She came out in 2004. Never have seen her before. She is beautiful!!

  3. Wow! Beautiful doll! I've never seen Birthday Wishes AA.

  4. Stunning! You must have a lot of thrift stores/flea markets around you. I am in a very small town and there are not too many around. I did get lucky a few weekends ago and found a hispanic baby alive for $2.00. I promise I'll post some of mine soon. I collect all kinds of dolls.

  5. I live in a pretty populated area in New Jersey. I usually hit the same Thrift Store and Flea Market every week. There are times when I find nothing and there are times when I find a lot. Lately the Flea Market has been good since a lot of new people are selling there. There was a time when I was going to stop frequenting the Flea Market because nobody had any dolls.
    A couple other Flea Markets I have gone to are yearly ones.

  6. I remember this doll! She is beautiful. Great skin color and dress color.

  7. Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh, pretty.

    Congrats on this wonderful find.
