Friday, May 13, 2011

The Proud Family

The Proud Family 
Hong Kong 
Mother and Father 9 1/2 inches tall. 
According to the story book. 
The dolls are Bill and Sally Proud.
Bill was a teacher and Sally liked to paint pictures 
of birds and animals and trees and flowers.
(Typical 50's or 60's story) 
Never mention the word pregnant. 
Story doesn't  tell the gender of the baby, but 
looking at the cover of the book, it is a girl.
Contents includes:
Mother, Father, Baby, Maternity Dress,
Bassinet with Soap Dish, Talc Bottle(Baby Powder),
Baby Bottle, (It's red, looks more like a ketchup container to me) 
and Duck. "Proud Family" Story Book.
From the instruction sheet:
The Mother Doll can pass through the stages of motherhood by
depressing the button located in her back. To fully extend the doll's stomach
the button must be depressed all the way.  To return to normal position, push
stomach in.
Also says:
Both the Father and Mother dolls have positionable left arms
so they can hold the baby. 
Saying on the package:
The Proud Family 
Mommy and Daddy Now Baby Makes Three,
All Loving Each Other,,,,,The Proud Family. 
Haven't found much information on "The Proud Family 
on the internet or in any of the doll books I own.
In great condition with all the original accessories. 
E-Bay purchase. 
I like the unusual.  Purchased at a great price.
Waited for it to go on a second time after no one bid and then 
got it for half the original starting bid.

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