Monday, May 30, 2011

Golden Dream Christie

Golden Dream Christie 
Made in Taiwan 
Christie came to me in her original bathsuit only.
She needed a nice new outfit. 
Barbie Purple Label suit
Black heels and bag. .
Need something to go under the suit. Couldn't find anything I liked. 
Was cleaning out my closets at school when I came across a bag of
multicolored loops used to make potholders.  Took one of the loops
and cut it.  Was perfect for the look I wanted.
E-Bay find for a great price.


  1. I love how you styled her. Lovin' the suit and the pot holder. LOL.

  2. Thanks Vanessa. You never know when something you have will come in handy. Those loops have probably been in my closet at work for years when I picked up different things for the kids at school. Can't wait till June is over. I then will be able to look and see if I have that Sponge Bob outfit for you.

  3. What a fantastic find! Of all the 80s era Steffies, she is a definitely in my top five, I think. Up there with Magic Curl. She looks terrific!
