Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Twist n Turn Skipper

Twist n Turn Skipper 
1967 Mattel, Inc./
U.S. Pat'd/U.S. Pats. Pend/
Made in Japan
Estate Sale find. @ $5.00
Skipper's feet are in rough shape but her sneakers cover the flaws.
When Skipper was found last Saturday she was dressed 
in a mismatched pajama outfit with the sneakers she is wearing. 
I had a pair of Skipper pajamas that I bought probably in 
the early 1980's.  Mattel had a distribution center near 
my home in New Jersey and was closing at the time. 
I picked up a few Skipper outfits (Best Buy?) which were priced 
50 cents to a dollar. 
Suzy Sad Eyes had borrowed the outfit, but let Skipper
wear it for her photo.

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