Saturday, March 12, 2011

Queen of Sapphires

Queen of Sapphires 
Second in the Series 
Royal Jewels Collection 
Limited edition 
Made in China 
Flea Market find 
This morning I decided to see if the Flea Market was open 
even though it was still cold outside.
I was pleasantly surprised to see more vendors than I expected.
A vendor who I regularly buy Barbies from had 2 dolls for me. 
Queen of Sapphires and another doll (which I will post tomorrow) were 
both in their original boxes . The boxes were in rough shape.
But I didn't care since I had two new beautiful dolls.
Such little things in life like going to the Flea Market make me happy. 


  1. Just curious, how big is your doll area?

  2. Not big enough. I had to get storage space since my house is too small.
