Monday, March 7, 2011

Harley Davidson Barbie and Ken

Went to Tuesday Morning with one of my co-workers on Saturday. 
Went overboard on Barbie buying, but thought I don't get to Tuesday Morning very often, 
so I might as well pick up the dolls I wanted. All the Barbies were 50% off their retail price. 
Harley Davidson Motor Cycles 
Barbie and Ken 
Made in Indonesia
Just realized Barbie has a jewel in her belly button.


  1. Oh, that does it. You are the reigning Buyer Queen. Hands down. Congratulations! I am happy for you. Wow wow wow!

  2. Whew! I'm safe. I just got this one a month ago. Curious though, how much was this set there? What else did you get? Or do I have to wait for the post? LOL!

  3. @D7ana - Thanks, this splurge is only once in a while.(Also had money saved from Christmas) Especially since my Thrift store purchases haven't been great lately. Warm weather is coming. Flea Market will be open and new doll buying will be put on the back burner. (Need to find some vintage)

    @Vanessa - It was 50% off retail, so it was 40.00. Sorry you will have to wait, posted a new one today, and then will post the others.

  4. That's a good price. I paid $48, which is good, too. I will go right now to see the new post. I just got 3 new dolls in the mail today. So I am happy, happy, happy.
