Saturday, March 26, 2011

Gene Marshall

Gene Marshall 
Mel Odom
Ashton Drake 
Flea Market find. 
As you can see I found my Gene doll. 
I got her today from the same lady I bought the Gene outfit from. 
Also bought 2 other dolls from her which I will post during the week. 
Every week she has some kind of doll goodies.
Can't wait till next Saturday!


  1. Wow. Now that's a good lady to know! I have about 10 older Gene dolls. I haven't bought one in over 10 yrs. By the way, I am having trouble reading your blog with the new design. Not sure that you care, but I thought I would mention it.

  2. Thanks for mentioning that you were having trouble reading the blog. I changed the font size. Does that help? Any suggestions?

  3. Yes, I can read it better now. It wasn't the font size. If you want you make the font smaller again. The white background makes all the difference. Now the words don't blend in with the background. Thanks.
