Thursday, November 18, 2010

500th post- Royal Romance Gift Set

Royal Romance Gift Set 
Made in China 
Cousin find
My 500th post.  I can't believe it. 
I have decided for a variety of reasons to post less frequently. 
1. The holidays are coming up. Will not be getting to the Thrift Store as much.
2. Daughter will be getting married at the beginning of February. Lots to do before then. 
3. Getting cold here in the Northeast and the flea market and the thrift store trips will depend on the weather.
I will post when I find something but can't say if it will be once a week or less. (Maybe more)
I'll be around but not as often as I would like. 
Just keep checking.


  1. Look forward to reading your posts and seeing your collection when/as you upload them,


  2. Thanks Dana, hopefully tomorrow I will be able to find some more dolls to post.
