Friday, August 6, 2010

Skipper as Velma

Finally I was able to purchase this doll after patiently waiting to find her at a reasonable price. I really didn't care if I got her mint in box.  My only requirement was she had her original outfit and her glasses. 
I found her on E-Bay with Scooby Doo and her original box. Today when the package arrived  the box was crushed but who cares as long as Velma and Scooby weren't hurt.
Skipper as Velma 
Scooby Doo
Mattel /Cartoon Network 2002
Scooby Doo Made in China
Velma Made in Indonesia


  1. I have and like this Skipper, too.

  2. Just wish her hair wasn't so stiff.

  3. I think you can wash the hair (and condition it) to make it softer but it may be difficult to keep her hairstyle. :)
