Sunday, June 6, 2010

Madame Alexander - Poland

Madame Alexander "International Series" Poland doll was found at a garage sale over a year ago.She is missing her wrist tag so I really can't tell what year she was made.  Most likely it was 1982 from the pictures of this doll I saw on the Internet.  Original outfit.  Head is wobbly, rubber band is wearing out.


  1. Do polskich strojów ludowych podobna...ale nie mogę określić z jakiego regionu Polski. Strój krakowski jest najbardziej dobrze uszyty w Barbie Polish 1997 Collector Dolls Of The World Series .

  2. For the Polish folk costumes like ... but I can not determine from what region of Polish. Apparel Krakow is the most well-sewn in the 1997 Polish Barbie Collector Dolls Of The World Series.
