Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Who Am I?

Who am I?  I was found on the $.99 Thrift Store Shelf last Saturday. All I had left was my silver cuff bracelet.  The nice lady kept picking me up and putting me back.  Wondering if she would ever make up her mind. Finally, I was put in a cart with a few other friends.  When I got to my new home, I had my hair shampooed and conditioned.  She dressed me in a no-label outfit she had picked up at a Flea Market  that day. Perfect fit.   I now sit around with all my new friends waiting to find out who I am. Some clues from the nice lady. Miss No Name is marked 2005 Mattel on her neck.  She also has pink glitter lips.  Does anyone know who she is? 
UPDATE: Thanks to wigmajig, mystery doll solved.  Totally Hair Wave It from 2008. 


  1. I think she is Totally Hair Wave It doll,they also made Braid It and Color It dolls

  2. Wigmajig, you are fantastic! Another mystery doll solved! Thanks so much!
