Sunday, May 23, 2010


Don't know which Christie this is.  She was found on the $.99 shelf at the Thrift Store since she had nothing to her name.  Brought her home.  Shampooed and conditioned Christie's hair.  She has such soft thick hair. Christie has been sitting on my doll pile for some time. I needed to find her the right outfit.   Yesterday I found a few outfits at a flea market.  It has no label but fit perfectly.   Added the pink heels.  I wish she had holes in her ears.  I had bought from a co-worker a set of pink heart earrings that would go great with this outfit.
UPDATE: Thanks to wigmajig.  She is a Salon Surprise Christie from 2001.  


  1. its hard to tell from the picture but I strongly believe she is Salon Surprise Christie

  2. Thanks, you are right. I looked for a picture on Google. Also when I washed her hair the blond streaks turned orange when it was wet. The blog has been a great learning experience for me. I am learning about Barbies I never knew existed.
