Sunday, April 25, 2010

Saturday's Doll Treasures

Had a beautiful day for my treasure hunting expedition.  Got a late start.  So I thought maybe I should skip going to the Flea Market today, but I went anyway.    Passed up a boxed Barbie Winter Renaissance from 1996 because the price was too high.  My favorite vendor had nothing for me.  The only doll I came away with was Kira, made in Indonesia.  She was in mismatched clothes, but in good condition and the price was right. Today, I redressed Kira in a red satin dress to match her lipstick.  Added white heels and a white scarf around her ponytail. 
Next stop, the Thrift Store.  I had to pass a few garage sales on my way, so I stopped, but there were no dolls.  I always head for the doll section  first whenever I go to the Thrift Store.  To my surprise, there hanging up was Katie from the LIV doll series (2009) She was still in the plastic backing from her box.  The only thing missing was the extra wig and wig stand. Even though I had a boxed Katie, here was one I could change her clothes and her wig if I wanted.   I quickly put her in my shopping cart.  After I finished looking there were a couple of other dolls in my cart, but not as wonderful as Katie. 
Time to go home, so I thought.  I stopped at the Deli to pick up a sandwich for my lunch.  On the way home, I had to go back through the section of the township where they were having garage sales. I promised myself  I would only stop if I saw a sign.  Up ahead there was a sign, so I turned left and followed the signs posted.  Was going to just quickly pass by, but a few small plastic bodies laying on the lawn caught my eye and I pulled over.  In a plastic bag marked $5.00 was a small purple witch in her original outfit.  I knew right away she was Emerald the Witch made in 1972 by Girl's World.  It's 1:30 in the afternoon I was surprised this doll wasn't snatched up earlier in the day since she is a rare find.   Taking Emerald I went up to pay for the item and the man said any doll on the lawn is now a $1.00.  Paid my dollar and I left.  Emerald was going home to be with the other Emerald I had which is in fair condition and was found over 25 years ago.  As you can tell in the picture my other Emerald is faded and missing her hat.

Saw a few other sales and they had nothing.  Was now going up and down the streets looking for more sales  that seemed to have toys.  The next sale I stopped at had Barbies, the woman was asking too much for the boxed dolls, but found the next two Barbies.  First, Barbie from the Singing Sisters Holiday 2000.  Had her original outfit and her shoes!  Didn't realize her hair on top was cut since I was dazzled by the outfit.  Could always put the outfit on another doll.  The second doll was Holiday Barbie from 2004.  Missing her shoes, but we could always find something for her feet. 
  Stopped at a few more sales.  I picked up a Princess of Cambodia Dolls of the World Series from 2004.  Missing her shoes and crown. 
I thought I better start heading for home since with the new medicine I am on, I am not supposed to be out in the sun for a long time.   Well, maybe just one more.   Found Kayla at the next sale, dressed in mismatched clothing.   When she got home, I dressed her in  a white wedding gown  for her picture.
Finally got home to eat lunch and go over my finds for the day.   This was probably the best day I have ever had in finding my doll Treasures.  Hope there are many more to come!

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