Thursday, March 25, 2010

Vintage Barbies

It's so nice to have a co-worker who loves garage sales as much as I do.  She lives in another part of the state and we have different collecting interests.  She knows I love Barbies, so one day she brought me in these two dolls she had found.  They were quite dirty, so I cleaned them up and dressed them in what I thought they would look good in.  Francie is missing her eyelashes.  I dressed her in a silver mini dress, white flats, silver necklace and a silver purse.   Malibu Barbie is dressed in an orange Barbie jumpsuit, with silver boots, and added an orange pocket book. Sometime later I found a black fedora type hat with a white band for her.  You really can't see the hat since it blends in with the background. Can't wait to see if she finds anything this weekend!